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The salary of a professional.

The salary of a professional.
"Salary man", this is what? ..
Get the exact same amount every month.
Learn new things. Without having to equity.
You may not have wider community.
The benefits are better than private business.
No bankruptcy.
The only function it serves.
When I switched on the fly.
I have a holiday. It has also been halted.

Be proud of what you are asking for is already more than what it is or not.

Ideas for the life of an employee.
To understand the role and functions perfectly.
To adjust to the role of emotions in the assignment.
Be ready to practice his new role over the years.
I think that "every time I make full. We have over the organization ".
The code of conduct.
I shall not return conductors. It will make the transition to acting.

Men's salaries. How should I adjust?
Greetings to everyone.
Important to recognize people in the organization.
Course of the old documents.
I was not just one group, only one group.
Listen and ask to speak more.
The data were recorded.
Participate as much as possible.
Do not comment on the negative.

The idea that change is positive.
I favor it.
I think a friend.
Think of something worse.
Is a valuable opportunity to think small. That people overlook.

Conclusion: Positive thinking is an important basis for those who want to be. "The salary of a professional" was deleted as garbage collection, but what is the value at the time ... plus I like that, but what a precious treasure. I work over time.
Support for this theory is the major reason.
Do a lot ... not much experience.
Do a lot ... the results to appear.
I have a very ... very important organization.
Very well done ... later.

Career path.
Progress in his career. "Salary men" are usually defined by the organization. Or the system. "Career path" in the path of growth, career advancement depends on two factors, that is.
A. Factor is the availability of our own.
Two. The external situation is conducive or not conducive to growth.
The plan would go to the better and faster than people with no road map for sure.

The development of "subordinate" to the "boss".
Trained to think of his head before the head will do.
The opportunity to work for a boss. (By delegation to do so).
Route with his career.
Develop his skills as appropriate.

Working with progressive management techniques.
Enter the new information. The management has the opportunity to choose.
And the new preset.
Do not risk! While arguing with management Rgonwicha.
I try to do it first, and then take them outside.

Manage life on the go on the road. Career employees.
Looking forward to more in the past and the present.
I think that no one in our lifetime.
There are no permanent friends and enemies in the workplace.
Everyone is good. The path may be some overlap.
I think we know all of every day.

Pain to the value of having a normal life, so different arguments. The value of good relations between heart.

The values ​​were not "the first pay later".

Cause values. "The pre-pay later" made in Thailand are two reasons.
A. Thai people like novelty or not.
Two. A business loan, or sell advertising to distract me. (See this ad. Rgaitaggrgai did not survive. Stop every installment).
Things to consider before you pay anything.
What is the finance or investment.
Essential to the life or not.
Have enough money or not.

Planning for the money.
Technique is simple, "the third book," To open the three accounts.
The account is an account into the cash for payroll expenses each month.
The second account is a savings account for emergencies. Urgency (possibly saving time).
The third book is out of work or savings account, saving for the future.
There is no hard and thick it will bring up the forgiveness of debt, greed and not about themselves.

Code of the position salary.
Be aware that the role and function of what we are.
What are the benefits received.
No guilt in life, I think the solution is removed.
I think that if our company. We will do it.
If you conduct yourself at all times to maintain them.
I taught myself by teaching others.
Do not put the interests, even if only slightly.
Do not do it because others do it.
I think that no one knows who.

The work happily.
The love of work to do. The door to the work we love.
The problem is a challenge.
Do not make it into a gap.
Do not vent into the work.

The heart of the matter before I can find where it is not our own.

Money to be used to supplement
If our expenses are typically ...
Breakfast: coffee, bread, fruit, water 10 +5 +5 +10 = 30 baht
Lunch: fried rice with basil leaves, fruit, water 30 +10 +5 = 45 baht
Dinner: rice soup with pork omelet 15 +20 = 35 baht
Expenses and miscellaneous = 60 baht
Total cost: 30 +45 +35 +60 per day = 170 baht
Total number of days since the age of 56 (after retirement) and 80 = 25 x 365 days = 9125 days.
Therefore, the necessary funds. Needed to sustain life is a minimum of 9125 x 170 = 1,551,250 Baht This amount does not include the cost of other important values ​​such as car repairs and mortgage and home-repair utilities, phone bills, clothes, etc., and at the most important. Medical care for themselves.
You think that you were 55 you have a minimum One million five hundred thousand or even?


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