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Six strategic concepts.

If you are a business to succeed in the era of globalization, which is highly competitive today. Learning about things related to business. It is absolutely necessary. I learned many things around them. It may not be a real success. The new administration will be most successful. Should be required to practice their skills with an excellent idea. Of course. Their best ideas for managers. It is inevitable. Strategic thinking (Strategic Thinking) to make their own strategic thinkers (Strategic Thinker) to be used to know that. To think of solutions and best practices. For the organization.
Strategic concept. Starting from the concept used in the war and bring to the business. We can see that. These strategic concepts. Since before the Three Kingdoms period Tzu or even the loss of Europe and America have more education. The overall strategic concept for many. Variety. It is interesting and can lead to the total concept practical. 6 is a conceptual and concrete.
A. The idea of ​​a holistic view (Holistic Thinking), and ideas in context (Context Thinking).

In view of holistic thinking or Holistic Thinking and ideas in context (Context Thinking) is a concept to meet twice in events or ideas that will make such a move Tgwntie time.The oriental philosophy. Dossier books (The Art of War) of more than 2000 years ago Tzu which is widely used in business because business is like war. The strategic thinking. To overcome the competition.
Two. To change the paradigm (Paradigm Shift), and thinking in advance (Forward Thinking).

"The organization has not changed. It is like a dying organization, "said the cause was. Changes in organizational matters. Either in work or business. This is consistent with the order to fix the problem or issue, or even prevent change. To improve even further the changes which have led to the idea. The paradigm shift in strategic (Paradigm Shift), and thinking in advance (Forward Thinking) that will have changed. In order to present changes to fit the future vision (Vision Shift) that we want to be in any position correctly. Operations management (management Shift) a plan for the direction of the organization (Direction Shift) to achieve the desired goal. Need a leader that has the potential for strategic thinking. To make the organization successful. Organizational changes in the right direction and an organizational culture for the future (Corporate Culture Shift) simultaneously.
Three. The vision (Vision) and Mission (Mission).

Modern enterprise (Modern Organization) focused on the vision (Vision) and Mission (Mission) This is a few administrators. To understand these two words have been fully and vision of the organization, from executives who are his thoughts (Visionary Thinking) is a vision that does not match reality, so administrators will be subjective. vision and the mission must have the appropriate capabilities. Analysis of changes in the external environment affecting the organization. Replies to the north and the environment. To the mission. The right to plan the strategy.
Four. To have an idea of ​​integration (Innovative Thinking) and think outside the box (Creative Thinking).

In the same view. If the general view that the management of their building. Orange with a view to integration and to think outside the box. Will result in changes to the old organization that survives to the present. Most are focused on. PC was 10-15 years ago, but the organization to die. It is a service that is ฟue Eฟื it. Wastes money and so the idea of ​​creating a Strategic Innovation Thinking is a view in matters relating to the development of different techniques (Creative Thinking.
& Innovation Thinking), including the Blue Ocean thinking to find new ways to market. Not too competitive.
Five. The planning option (Scenario Planning) and Risk Management (Risk Management).

Due to economic fluctuations. Businesses need to adapt to fluctuations arising from social, economic, competitive and customer demands. Planning organizations. The managers need to have a concept in the future (Future Thinking), and plan alternative (Scenario Planning) to accommodate a variety of changes that will occur in the various events.
Under the conditions, fluctuations in the current environment. Management plans. It focuses on looking at the future time (Future.
Thinking) and in terms of strategic thinking that In an alternative plan for the future (Scenario Planning) is a conceptual model.
Another strategy that many leading organizations have used this tool to the application. Create a plan to meet with Creating a competitive advantage in itself. We will learn to.
- Strategic thinking in the future.
- The strategic choice of a Scenario.
- Companies with a strategic plan to create in the future.
6. Game Theory.

In demand and as such needs. To act as a client. Assess the needs of both parties. In order to find areas where agreement has been reached. These managers need to take place in the concept of the total. For both. Data analysis. Assess both themselves and the people involved. In order to do that. We have to do to get the most back.
Game theory is divided into three types.
Zero Sum Game - A view of the idea that people would have lost the most, always like to play football. The one team to win when someone wins, it will be fun and most importantly, no one would be defeated, so everyone tries to avoid defeat. In order to win.
The meaning of the lyrics. The Zero-sum game, meaning that refers to a situation where two parties compete in a particular subject. When one party wins. The other will lose. In other words, when we are parties. The other will be lost. The important thing is the number. (Money or benefit) that one gets the equivalent of the other party must lose. (May not be wrong to say that a victory on the losses of others), which are also known as the Last man standing game.
A good strategic management. Zero Sum Game is trying to avoid the possible adverse effects in the future unless they are confident they would win, or he certainly has no other way to choose it. Has to play in a Zero Sum Game (Win - Lose).
To both themselves and other players to lose. No benefit. All the same benefits as the price war. Individual traders are trying to drive down prices below the competition. To look forward to increased sales. All the traders in the market to drive down prices by. This situation has not lost a game in which a seller will find that each partner undersell To try to capture as many customers as possible. It does not take into account the profit - loss. Sometimes I sell a lot of losses. To overcome this, and if the other party, but the client wanted to be like. Competitors may be seeking a new friend to play with, so we have a bad game. Management strategy to avoid these games (Lose - Lose).
Positive Sum Game - a game where all players benefit. Is more or less, it also has interests in, for example, the price of oil. Oil producing countries are willing to come to production, not to exceed the quota of each country to the world oil market. Rather than acceleration capacity of the largest. Because doing so. Although they will sell more oil. But other countries will follow and influence in world oil prices could be reduced. The winner of the game is that the oil remaining in the final to become the country's oil sales to the end of the world. So head to the country's oil production quotas, price controls and the benefits to the course, but most of the country.
The Strategic Management. I try to play this game the most. In order to receive benefits with a Win-Win, but the people who are smarter and better avenues. The benefit of this game is over anyway.


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