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Organization and Management.

  All organizations, regardless of size or location, however. Require a great deal. A good deal is the beginning of the operation of the organization. Growth and maintenance of the following organizations, especially organizations in the 21st century. Who were faced with. Environment is changing rapidly. The social, economic globalization and the need for a modern management approach to cope with this rapid change. To understand the concept of modern management. This chapter presents a topic about it. Modern organization. The definition of management. Management process. The role of management. Feature of successful management.
Modern organization (Modern organization).

Management in the organization. And in view of the management. Organization means. The people who work together as a system to achieve one goal. Which are the common three aspects.
1) All organizations have their own purpose or goal.
2) All organizations need to work together.
3) The Organization must be reorganizing the division of responsibilities in the organization.
As discussed above. That are currently faced with ever-changing environment. Therefore, organizations need to be adjusted regularly. The traditional concept of a modern organization with a different management style with the same dynamic. Rigid and flexible format. The focus on the job skills. The workplace and at a fixed time to work anywhere, anytime.
The organization will have the same management style that rarely change. If a change occurs, some are short. Happily, the current organizational changes will occur over time. I have some for a short period. The dynamic response can be adjusted to conform with changes in the environment at all times. Traditional organizations are not flexible management. In the modern organization with a flexible management. The new organization will not stick to only one course of action. Need to be flexible in practice. Can be adjusted if the situation is different.
Are the same type of work is constant. Each employee is assigned a specific task. The working group was not changed. But in the modern organization, employees need to know their potential to learn and work on the sides. And switching functions, and work regularly, for example in car manufacturing. Employees in production department. Must be able to use machines with computer control systems. The job descriptions (job description) this same  20 years ago, so there is no other place in the modern organization to develop the skills to be more versatile. In determining the remuneration of work. (Compensation) in the modern organization is likely to be rewarded based on skill (skill based) that is capable of accomplishing many tasks. The more you pay more. Instead, make compensation according to the nature and responsibilities (job based).
Are the same. Employees working in the workplace and at a certain time. But in modern times they are more likely to give employees the freedom to work anywhere, anytime. I have to work as scheduled. The technology allows you to communicate to each other, even working on it. As well as rapid change. Globalization and the need for more time to work against the exploitation of personal and family time. The new organization will provide flexibility in operation and the time and place to be in line with trends in the way of life of its employees.
Definition of management (Defining management).

Management (Management) refers to the process of making the activities successful to efficiently and effectively with people and resources of the organization (Robbins and DeCenzo, 2004; Certo, 2003), which according to this definition, the components involved. including process management (process) performance (efficiency) and effectiveness. (Effectiveness) process (process) in the definition of management means the management functions of planning and organization. To bend the organization and control which are described later in detail on the following topics. Management functions and processes.
Performance (efficiency) and effectiveness. (Effectiveness).

Is about the nature of performance management to work properly. A comparison between the input (inputs) and output (outputs) if we can work more productive while using less than or equal to the input means. Our work more effective. The inputs to the management of the resources of the organization, including the amount of raw materials and capital equipment resources are limited. And the cost of operations of the organization. Therefore, good management must try to have the least resources and the most productive.
Efficacy (effectiveness) for the effective management means. According to the goals or objectives set forth . The only effective management is not enough to matter. The yield according to the intended target or not, for example, produced an educational institution for having completed the study with each other. Regardless of the quality of education, but it may be effective. The resources used to produce a lower cost per student. It might not be as effective in the study and on the other hand, if the operations are not effective alone. Regardless of cost and efficiency as well, for example, the Hewlett-Packard. May be the color toner cartridges for Laser printer engine with realistic color and longer lasting than original. It takes time, labor and raw materials increased. The efficiency is improved. But that is not efficient. The total cost is much higher.
Management effectiveness and efficiency that Requires an understanding of other related disciplines, including psychology, philosophy, politics, economics, the humanities and social sciences to understand the basics of human behavior. The competitive advantage of the free  conflicts of power and human relations in society.
Process management (Management process).

At the beginning of the century, 20 Henri Fayol proposed that Managers and executives are required. Activities related to management. Known. Movement, and 5 to include planning (planning), organizing (organizing) the command (commanding), coordination (coordinating) and control (controlling) (writing as POCCC) and later in the mid- 1950. scholars at UCLA to a plan (planning), organizing (organizing) and staff (staffing) to order (directing) and controlling (controlling) (writing as POSDC) the process to manage five factors (POSDC. ) and this is commonly used as a framework for a textbook for more than 20 years  and later after a search process to manage five of these as the four pillars of the plan (planning), organizing (organizing. ) to bend the (leading / influencing) and controlling (controlling) the movement in each part of the deal mentioned above are interrelated and affect each other include
Planning (planning).

Activities related to the goal of creating a strategy to guide the process toward the goal. And distribution of strategic plans to operational level. The strategy and plan of each level and each segment must meet together. In order to achieve the goals of the organization and their work with
Organization (organizing).

The activity is related to the organizational structure that allows it to achieve the goals set for it. What do I need a job. And each will be allocated to the group. Who is responsible for each task. And shall be reported according to the hierarchy. Who has the authority to make decisions.
To bend the staff. (Leading / influencing).

It's about managing your employees work. Efficiency and effectiveness. The need for coordination. Good communication. Motivation to work. Executive Leadership must be appropriate. Reduce conflict and tension in the organization.
Control (controlling).

On organizational goals. The plan is to restructure the organization. The  that the employee training and motivation to work. And to make sure that things will proceed as it should be. Management would have to control and monitor the actual performance against goals or standards set forth. If the actual deviation from the target. Meaning it must be adapted to meet the target. The process of monitoring, evaluation and comparison process is controlled.
The role of management (Managerial roles).

Ml of the functions on the management of the organization, often focusing on the four functions of management processes (planning, organizing, and controlling the bend), as discussed above. The individual leaders and their importance in the management functions are different. It also depends on the operation of a different (eg, the operating organization's profit or a non-profit) level of management in different (primary level. middle level) and size of different organizations, for example, executives in the management of different activities in the different functions. When considering the activities of the organization and management that Mintzberg's role. Management can be classified into three groups, known as. Management roles of Mintzberg (Mintzberg's managerial roles), including the role of the individual. (Interpersonal roles) and role information. (Informational roles) and role in decision making (decisional roles), each of the following role play.
The role of the individual. (Interpersonal roles) role is to establish a relationship between the parties consists of the sub.
1) The role of the position. (Figurehead): The daily duties and in accordance with law. Or by society as a welcome guest of the organization. Signing of legal documents, etc.
2) the leader (leader): responsible for motivating and stimulating  the work of employees. People responsible for providing training and other related.
3) The role of relationships (liaison): The internal and external to the network. Spread more widely.
The role of information. (Informational roles) as the role of distribution and transmission information consists of the following roles.
4) an evaluation (monitor): A follow-up to receive information. (Usually a current) to understand the organization and the environment. As the center of the system.
5) the data distribution. (Disseminator): the role of passing information to the employees in the organization. Some information about the facts. Some information about the collection, interpretation and differences in the organization.
6) as a spokesman (spokesperson): the previous release. Send the information to an outside agency with planning policy and the work of organizations such as industry experts.
Role in the decision-making (decisional roles) make decisions in the operations of the organization. Contains the following sub.
7) is the operator. (Entrepreneur): opportunities and new initiatives such as improving the project. To lead to improvement. Provide guidance on project design. The meeting will review and determine the strategy to develop new programs.
8) is the manager of public order (disturbance hander): responsible for the operation when you are faced with the order. The review and strategy related to the unrest and the crisis in the organization.
9) the allocation of resources (resource allocator): is responsible for allocating resources in an organization such as the determination of the issues and the importance of organization and order, and decentralization. Activities related to the budget. And manage the work of employees.
10) is a bargain. (Negotiator): responsible for a bargain on the importance of organizations such as participation in the union contract with the organization. Or negotiate with suppliers (suppliers).
Skills of Management (Management Skills).

Management is in any Or organization, any act in the management of four to get the plan (planning), organizing (organizing) to bend the (leading / influencing) and controlling (controlling) and the administrator will be able to act on. management has been successful with it. Must have good management skills. The importance of basic skills that managers should have at least 3 to include technical skills (technical skills) people skills (human skills) and cognitive skills (conceptual skills).
Technical skills (technical skills) is the ability to apply their expertise and know about. For senior management skills, this is know about the general industry. Processes and products  organization. And for the middle management level and above. The ability to work in specific areas such as finance, human resources. Information technology, law, marketing, computer systems or the technical skills are the ability to work as a process or product .
People skills (human skills) as the skills to make the coordination of the group executive responsible. A work-related attitudes, communication, and the interests of individuals and groups. Working with people is a skill.
Thinking skills (conceptual skills) is the ability to view the organization as a whole. Management skills and ideas. I can understand the relationship of the various departments of the organization that influence how. Understand the relationship between organizational factors and environmental organizations. The changes in the organization have an impact on other parts, however.
Skills that will be a significant increase in the higher management level. While technical skills are important at higher management levels. The high-level executives will oversee the details about the activities of production. And less technical. It will focus on an overview of the organization and direction to the development of a more The people skills. Still very important at all levels of management. We must involve people at all levels.
Event Management (Managerial Activities).

Studies on the activities of daily management that The difference is that the results of this study. Management's success in his career and was promoted to the position quickly. The importance of the different activities and effectiveness. Affecting both the quantity and quality of the targets. And is a favorite of those under  command. The study by Luthans and colleagues (Robbins, 2003) found that the activity of the parent  can be classified into four types.
1) and traditional (traditional management), such as decision making, planning and control.
2) communication. (Communication), such as the exchange of information daily. And working papers.
3) management of the HR (human resource management), such as motivation, discipline. Conflict management, personnel and training.
4) Create a network (networking), such as the social politics of the organization. And activities with outside agencies.

The study of the management of the 450 people on four types of such activities. The executive general average, it takes about 32 percent of the time to work with all types of management methods. Approximately 29 percent to 20 percent of activities related to communication and human resource management activities and 19 percent of the network. The use and importance of the four activities that are different to each executive. In particular, the management was ready to take the time to do it. Management as an effective management team that is successful for a time with the parent  networking and human resource management at the least. While executives at the parent to provide effective communication with  and the time to build a minimum.
The study reflects  before that. In actual practice. The awards are sometimes not feasible. Performance by all. Social factors. And political organizations to influence it. Operations of the organization with
Ethics of Business Administration (Management Ethics).

The practice of politics in an ethical organization. Should be considered in three aspects: 1) the benefit of the public 2) Privacy 3) justice is in
The first point to be made to the politics of the organization. For their own benefit. Or the common good. If the goals of the organization. It is an act that is contrary to morality. It is for their own benefit. It is considered an unethical act, for example, a rumor is not true that the purchase of a new electrode of a corrupt organization. To be of no confidence in the procurement and management  purchasing a new electrode. It is unethical act. There are benefits to the organization. If the Department  the left  maintenance work especially well with the Department  the purchase of the insurance  the procurement Speeding the purchase of equipment to be pro  transparency to keep the. of the organization. They do not conflict with ethics. The organization as a whole can benefit.
The second point is. All rights reserved. If the act is a violation of privacy or rights of others should have. It is not ethical, for example, if the manager left the party   maintenance work order to the sepoys   between the purchase order for him to work faster. It is not a moral act. In the final  is the justice that is done, the cause of equality. Fair or not. If an act that makes some people more than the benefits. Or make some people lose interest. It is unethical to act as head of the evaluation. His work unfairly. Evaluating the work that I have a question, the better. The evaluation is defined as the reward.
However, to determine if any action is ethically difficult. Especially with the management. Those with power in organizations. Because the power is often claimed that their actions. For the common good. And in accordance with the goals of the organization. Not interfere with the rights of anyone. And to be fair and equitable treatment. In practice. Those with power are those who would act contrary to morality over
Employees are not authorized. The administrators are authorized to act on their own should consider the fact that about three points above that. To act ethically or not.
A. Management (Management) refers to the process that allows various events to be successful. Efficient and effective human and organizational resources.
Two. Manager (Manager) to those who work with or work through other employees. Achieve coordination. The activities of the organization achieved the goals set. Changes in the organization. The role of the manager to adjust to. There is no dividing line. Between managers and employees clearly.
Three. Effective means to work properly. A comparison between the input (inputs) and output (outputs) if we can work more productive while using less than or equal to the input means. Our work more effective. The effectiveness of the management. According to the goals or objectives set forth  that focuses on effective ways of working. The performance will focus on the results of operations.
Four. Process management (management process) consists of all four major pillars.
1) planning (planning) activities related to the target. And strategies. And action plans. To achieve the goals of the organization.
2) organization (organizing) the organizational structure to support the operation as planned.
3) to bend the (leading / influencing) the Employees likely to attract individuals and groups. To perform work. Communication. To deal with issues regarding the behavior of employees in the organization and
4) control (controlling) the activity of tracking performance. Against target. The standards set forth. And make changes. The results of operations are on target. The standards set forth.

Five. Skills required for the management and technical skills (technical skills) people skills (human skills) and cognitive skills (conceptual skills) managers at different levels. Skill requirements in different aspects. Executives will need a higher skill level executives. Management and the need for technical skills than the executive. About the skills that are needed for all levels.
6. Administrators are people who have authority in the organization. And be empowered in a way that is contrary to ethical principles do not apply power to the common good. Or in accordance with the goals of the organization. Or authority to interfere with the legitimate rights of others.


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